Native Brigade LLC Business Model

Value Proposition

- Security Services: Offering a range of professional Armed and Unarmed Security Services tailored to meet clients' unique needs, ensuring their safety and protection.
- Consulting and Risk Assessment: Provide expert consulting services to assess security risks and develop proactive strategies for clients.
- Technology Integration: Incorporate state-of-the-art security technology and systems to enhance the effectiveness of security services.
- Emergency Response: Ensure rapid and effective responses to security incidents and crises.

Customer Segments

- Private Sector: Serve businesses, corporations, and private individuals in need of security services.
- Government Agencies: Provide security solutions for government facilities, events, and public safety initiatives.
- Multinational Enterprises: Offer security services for international corporations with operations based in Hawaii and the U.S. Mainland.
- Special Events: Cater to event organizers, conference planners, and venues requiring event security.


- Direct Sales: Establish a sales team to directly approach potential clients and tailor security solutions to particular needs.
- Website and Online Presence: Utilized a professional website to showcase services, provide contact information, and generate inquires.
- Networking: Build relationships with local businesses, government agencies, and industry associations to secure contracts and partnerships.

Customer Relationships

- Personalized Service: Provide excellent customer service, tailoring security solutions to each client's specific requirements.
- Responsive Support: Maintain open lines of communication, responding promptly to client inquiries, concerns, or emergencies.
- Regular Updates: Keep clients informed about security trends, threats, and updates to ensure their safety.


Revenue Streams

- Event Security: Charge event organizers for event security services.
- Training Programs: Provide security training programs for clients' staff or individuals seeking security solutions.
- Training Programs: Provide security training programs fro clients' staff or individuals seeking security solutions.

Key Resources

- Security Personnel: Employ teams of trained and licensed security professionals.
- Security Technology: Invest in surveillance systems, access control, and communication equipment.
- Fleet: Maintain vehicles for mobile patrols and emergency response as needed.
- Training Facilities: If applicable, provide training venues for security personnel and clients.  

Key Activities

- Security Operations: Deliver security services, including patrols, access control, event security, and consulting.
- Training: Offer training for security personnel and clients
- Technology Implementation: Integrate security technology systems.
- Emergency Response: Ensure readiness to respond to security incidents.

Key Partnerships

- Local Law Enforcement: Collaborate with local law enforcement agencies for emergency response coordination.
- Security Technology Providers: Partner with technology vendors for access to state-of-the-art security solutions.
- Event Organizers: Forge partnerships with event organizers and venues to provide event security services.

Cost Structure

- Personnel Costs: Expenses related to hiring, training, and compensating security personnel.
- Technology Costs: Investments in security technology, surveillance systems, and communication equipment.
- Marketing and Sales Costs: Expenditures for marketing, advertising, and sales efforts.
- Operational Costs: Expenses for vehicle maintenance, insurance, and administrative functions.